Meg Gibson-Ray

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since Oct 01, 2024
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Recent posts by Meg Gibson-Ray

We have begun the switch to compost toilets, thus will no longer need a septic. I would like to divert our grey water in a useful manner. Out house is elevated and slightly uphill from where the garden will be. I make our household and personal care products, they are safe for plants.
3 weeks ago
It's good to have a more long term (and thus much larger) kit in an outbuilding on your property. Use easy to grab, labeled, water tight totes that you can grab if you have to evacuate. Include things you'll need if it's just the house and you need to camp on your land for a while. We plan to do this as soon as the tool shed is finished.
Coincidently, we are currently staying with family while our house slowly floods. We had plenty of time to prep, and I still wish I had thought of a few things. These types of bags, totes and what not really are a great idea.
3 months ago
If you use an electric water pump, tee it off to a pitcher pump with a shut off valve. When the power is down, you can just hand pump. I'll post a pic when the flood waters recede and we can get back in our house (speaking of disaster preparedness).
It's also a good idea to keep a go bag and other necessities in an out-building in case something happens to the main house. When ours is complete, it will have everything needed for camping on our property (or elsewhere), first aid, important documents, cash and a couple months worth of food. All in easy to grab, water tight containers.
3 months ago