Sabrina Freytag

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since Oct 01, 2024
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Recent posts by Sabrina Freytag

Rebecca Norman wrote:I've heard that some people, a minority, find a dirt flavor in beets and hate them. Most of us don't taste that in beets. So if you like beets by all means grow and eat them -- I love 'em! But when I am cooking for other people, I leave them out or cook and serve them separately so that those who dislike them can avoid them. They roast up wonderfully in the oven like other root vegetables and winter squash, but for guests I serve those separately in the dish so people can take the ones they like.

I'm, unfortunately, one of those that abhors the taste of beets. I've tried them a handful of times, prepared in a variety of ways, but I always feel like I'm munching on mud. It's odd it's just beets, since I love parsnips, turnips, radishes, etc. I may try one last time to grow my own and see if that makes a difference.
1 month ago
I have no idea how long these will last, but I needed to get away from my recycled nursery pots. I had a lot of pallets lying around, so for the cost of a box of screws, some landscaping fabric, some disposable cooking pans and some chicken wire, I made three two-tiered planters, with drain pans to divert some run off water from the upper box to the lower box.