Ellly Hri

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since Jan 01, 2025
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Recent posts by Ellly Hri

John O'Connell wrote:Merry Christmas everyone. Let the Island of Misfit Toys keep rocking on!

Hello ,Happy New Year,still looking for someone?
4 weeks ago
Hello Dear,
any ideas how to get in touch with you if you still looking for someone?
4 weeks ago

J Brewster wrote: I have sat here for quite a bit trying to figure out what to say because well I am bad at this so I will just start and end with the current situation. In 2022 i decided to bid on 3.93 acres of land in Alaska here withing the recent few weeks the realtor and I talked some and he was able to get my land switched for another piece which is almost 9 acres with river access and rail access. I am currently seeking a friend or friends to start a little mini community with not sure if I'm seeking a relationship with anyone currently but it is not ruled out if anything starts to happen although most likely the lady would have to say something otherwise I'll just keep whatever to myself and not say a word to anyone and go about my business. I would like this to be a christian based mini community utilizing nature to produce food and housing with no chemicals and trying to avoid cutting trees when possible etc... I'll end with that and bid you good day.

4 weeks ago

J Brewster wrote: I have sat here for quite a bit trying to figure out what to say because well I am bad at this so I will just start and end with the current situation. In 2022 i decided to bid on 3.93 acres of land in Alaska here withing the recent few weeks the realtor and I talked some and he was able to get my land switched for another piece which is almost 9 acres with river access and rail access. I am currently seeking a friend or friends to start a little mini community with not sure if I'm seeking a relationship with anyone currently but it is not ruled out if anything starts to happen although most likely the lady would have to say something otherwise I'll just keep whatever to myself and not say a word to anyone and go about my business. I would like this to be

4 weeks ago