paul wheaton

author and steward
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since Apr 01, 2005
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Paul Wheaton, The Duke of Permaculture, is an author, producer, certified advanced master gardener, and owner of. He has created hundreds of youtube videos, hundreds of podcasts, multiple DVDs, and written dozens of articles and a book. As the lead mad scientist at Wheaton Labs, he's conducted experiments resulting in rocket stoves and ovens, massive earthworks, solar dehydrators and much more.
His bitcoin thing-a-ma-bob is 177pNU2a9iCpUXQwXX9EbtA2UwZpgeqcMT
Paul Wheaton bio
Paul Wheaton book
Paul Wheaton's stuff
Paul Wheaton's keynote
Paul Wheaton TED talk
Paul Wheaton tour with Justin Rhodes
Paul Wheaton and Sepp Holzer
Paul Wheaton is the "Bad Boy of Permaculture"
Paul Wheaton's Youtube channel
free heat
master gardener program
wood heat
gardener gift

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missoula, montana (zone 4)
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Recent posts by paul wheaton

We are not currently set up for day visits, but we encourage you to rent a cabin and fully experience a rocket mass heater.
12 hours ago
willy wonka has a knife fight with elvis presley

13 hours ago

Mark Ericson wrote:I purchased the 8 video set for Rocket Mass Heaters yesterday for $30. How do I access them? Thank you. - Mark E.

Your account says you did not!  My guess is that your purchasing email address is different and there is this whole other account sitter there, owning this product.  

If we can figure out the other account and you are one in the same, we have the ability to merge the two accounts.
15 hours ago

akira hirose wrote:Thank you to Paul, Liv, and everyone behind the scenes for your time and energy poured into this event!

Not sure if others may be thinking to ask... I'll stick my introverted neck out and shamelessly inquire:
Will this smack down become available for viewing at a later time, by chance?

I purchased some pie in support of the empire, regardless
Again, thank y'all for all that you are and do!!!

The current plan is that it will be viewable for pie people.  
16 hours ago