Hey All,
Now that my
RMH has been burning for a few weeks now I'm starting to get data from my high temperature thermocouple that I placed at the top of the riser tube. The hottest temp I've seen so far was 1400F WOWZA! but it seems to average 600-800F. But that's on the inside of the barrel, the hottest I've seen on the outside is around 850F, either way it's hot stuff!
I still need to pour the
concrete countertops for the top of the mass but when I do I'll embed 3 temp sensors. I'm excited to see how the mass holds and releases heat.
These graphs really illustrate is how quickly a
RMH gets hot and up to temperature. I suspect "traditional"
wood stoves would take much longer to get up to operating temperatures. I built this heater in a partially insulated building that doesn't retain heat well so that's why I'm getting such a big drop in temp overnight. But I've been sleeping on the mass which is absolutely wonderful! While the air around the mass does get cold being under the covers on the warm mass is rapturous.
All for now.