Hi, although I realize for some, the heavy
water usage of hot tubs, might not fit into their
permaculture ideals, my place gets so much rain water in my from my catchment system, I am constantly draining thousand of gallons - so in my situation I have all the water I need - and my orchard/gardens/greenhouse/aspen grove will all love the water I will be constantly draining into them - all of which love used hot tub water (chemical free soft rain water with small amount of shed off body parts in it!)
I'm looking for actual "user reviews & opinions" of
wood fired hot tubs that use a submersible
wood stove, such as Snorkels, Cowboy Hot Tubs, Doc Hollis, etc.
I'm a total "arm-chair" expert of these, due to years of drooling over pictures, catalogs, and websites - but I'm ready to "take the plunge" so to speak....
The "cowboy's" seem to be the most economical, as you simply use a metal or rubber stock tank/ watering trough for your tub! Of course, the pleasure of soaking in probably doesn't compare to a nice cedar tub?
I'm not sure about the rules here about posting links - but a simple google search can bring you to any info on the above mentioned tubs.
Thanks in advance!