I am in the Samarian mountains right now, doing some
gardening, healing my heart and wanted to put out the word that I've had a vision of creating a central community which would be based entirely on living according to Torah's 613 Laws, implementing them in daily life, living sustainably and in purity. In addition, this community would be a healing and teaching one, where advanced and ancient techniques would be employed to re-generate bodies and minds of the infirmed and sick. In addition, the teachings would be made available through the community to the nations's healers who would come and learn from us, these methodologies and teachings and bring them back to their similarly-heart minded communities throughout the world. That's the shortest version of the vision. Just wanted to put it here, to see and hear if this resonates with someone already Shomer Mitzvot ve-Halacha and if so, would
be nice to hear from you and perhaps to be in communication about beginning this
project and discussing logistics.
Be wel,