Frustration, disbelief, outrage I'm not sure what I feel.
I have friends in the adjacent County, Klamath County. The County sprayed for noxious weeds in their development, parcels of 1-5 acres, with an hebicide that contained picloram. On one property alone 103 ponderosa pines have died from the chemical and now it is becoming detectable in the drinking
water wells. My friends have an incredible garden and now have concerns that the water they use to irrigate will kill anything they plant. Most measurable rainfall occurs in the winter and I'm sure that the measurable contamination will increase after this season and that melt carries the picloram deeper into the soil.
What's disapointing is that the County and State agencies are pointing their finger so fast at one another at one another the governmental wheels appear to be slowing down.
No notification or option to opt out of the spraying since it was to be carried out on County right of way property.
Had this been a private party there would be consequences but since it is the Government it appears that drawn out litigation and no immediate action is what will occur.