I’ve been playing around with brewing
compost tea with some experimental additions. Using worm castings, molasses and kelp (no fish products or other additives) and brewed some nice smelling brews. I cant say for sure how much improvement I noticed it after foliar applications, but I know much of the microbial benefits may not be immediately apparent.
I started peeing in the
bucket while it was bubbling away cause why not? I use dilute
urine (10 parts
water to 1 part urine) as fertigation on plants, so I figured why not?. After peeing in brew I noticed a definite off smell after 12 hrs or so. I opted for a soil drench with this batch as I trust my nose.
Does anyone else have
experience with adding urine to a compost tea batch. If so how much? Do you notice any shifts? Would it be better served in a bacterial or fungally dominant brew I wonder.