Full article worth a read at:
..."Alternative technologies are arising that seek to bypass traditional dependencies as the civil movement grows in power and determination. There are now markets for rocket stoves, vegetable-oil generators,
solar refrigerators, cheap wind generators and reusable
water bottles used as
solar lamps. Innovations are also turning shipping containers into virtually cost-free homes. Social information networks are advising people on how to make their own
toothpaste, clothes and much more. Instead of recycling, there is now a movement toward "pre-cycling," that is, training people on how to exist not only on what they have, but also to transform their conception of necessity so that non-primary needs are taken out of the equation. Individuals and communities are learning how to live more on less. Monopolies of control belong to the old paradigm and will find no welcome as people collectively shift toward self-determination. It is predicted that these agents of self-determination will emerge as a new social generation of disruptive innovators. Disruptive innovation is that which is unexpected and arrives, usually from the periphery or the bottom up, to provide services that have previously been monopolized. Such disruptions are highly threatening to the hierarchical status quo, yet often empowering to civil society"...
We are change that is coming. Don't count on anyone else...
What do you think?
Regards to all,
Monte Hines