I think one important feature of
sustainable building would be to not waste what is already done, if it can be used and improved without investing more
energy than building new would take. The structures look sturdy and pleasant behind the overgrowth, and if they are not deteriorating inside, I would look into using them as the basis for renovation. Perhaps the resulting dwellings will want more space than these give (or maybe not); if so, that would be an opportunity to combine traditional construction with new natural methods or materials.
Are the walls solid masonry? What is the climate in that part of Ireland? If it doesn't get too cold, thermal mass walls might be practical to leave, while superinsulating the roofs. Are there attic rooms, or just dead space? If adding new rooms, spreading out so as to trap as much existing masonry wall as possible into the interior would make sense, assuming new walls would be more insulated in some fashion.