To all here that are in areas of concern about greening disease. The component of the oaks that seems to be the beneficial is the tannin (tannic acid), that would be why the leaves do well at preventing this disease.
If you can get the mycorrhizae for oaks and install it to your citrus tree's
root systems, there
should be some good benefits to those citrus trees, add to that some sea minerals (use a good non-purified sea salt) sprinkled all around each tree from aprox. 6" away from trunk to outside the
drip line.
This application will provide more minerals for the microbiome so it stays very healthy which will also help in disease prevention.
Good, aerated compost teas are always a good thing to use on trees subject to catching any disease or infestation.
Good luck, may wakantanka watch over your orchards, no matter how small.