Hey all,
What flowers are you growing this year? I'm getting ready to sow a large amount of various flower seeds this year around my wild homestead. The goal is to provide all sorts of habitat for beneficial insects (which will help keep pests under control and ensure pollination), provide a harvest (some edible, some for cut flowers), improve the soil (nitrogen fixing, taproots, general support for soil life), provide a living mulch, increase overall diversity and of
course for simple beauty!
Here is what I'm growing this year:
- Medium red clover (nitrogen fixer)
- Calypso Cilantro
- Borage
- California Poppy
- White Alyssum
- Blanket Flower
- Wild Bergamot
- Bachelor Button aka Cornflower
- Lacy Phacelia
- Western Yarrow (white type)
- Shasta Daisy
- Calendula
- Basket of Gold Alyssum (different species from white alyssum--yellow, evergreen and
- Common Woolly Sunflower
- Marigolds
- English Daisy
- Lupines (nitrogen fixer)
- Lavender
- Iceland Poppies
- Miners Lettuce
- Self-Heal
- Nasturtiums
- Sunflowers
My hope is that a lot of these will start to
volunteer and spread all on their own. Though I will likely add more overtime as I expand my growing areas. Luckily, I can collect seeds in the future and I won't have to buy as many as I did this year.
Should be great and I will share some pictures once they all start blooming later this year.
I also have a bunch of shrubs and
trees that flower and various flowers that are already growing but these are the ones I'm getting ready to sow between today and May this year.
So what flowers are you growing? Any new ones flowers this year?