First time quail hatching. I figure
chickens are about the same and there's no quail forum. I am learning a lot about it. What doesn't make sense to me is hatching in the incubator because:
1. You have only 24 hours from the first chick to the last chick to hatch before you have to decide whether the unhatched chicks
should die or the first hatch should. Though, actual hatching can span 4 days.
2. You have to do a bunch of changes to an automatic incubator to get it to not turn your eggs and get the humidity to rise, which means exposing your eggs to a fair amount of draft 3 days prior to hatching.
3. You have to adjust your newborns to a new environment just after they hatch, which seems a little odd given they were probably just learning about the one they were just in.
Does anyone have insight into this?