Hi everyone,
This is a paid opportunity.
We are looking for a responsible and healthy lifestyle person with knowledge and
experience in
Permaculture to take care, manage volunteers and make www.serenelightgardens.org thrive while we take care of other projects.
vegetarian, and not using tobacco, any drugs including marijuana, alcohol has to be what you value and live without any difficulties.
We will give preference to a person who practices meditation and/or yoga.
The job requires to:
-Maintain the already implemented projects by watering, weeding, mulching
-Plant more and help to regenerate the soil by making
compost piles, mulching
-Coordinate volunteers
-Be present on the farm every day and night
-Speak well English and Spanish
Please visit our website and check if this is really something for you.
You can then contact us through the website and we will schedule a video call with you.
Michael and Yasmín