I have been doing a lot of culling the last two days. In just finished a brutal thinning of my horribly over planted corn plot which involved killing probably 75% of the seedlings (I have a mental imbalance that forces me to plant corn on about 2 in spacing no matter how hard I try not to...perhaps the first selective pressure my corn encounters). In this, the quantum randomness that determined relative location in each line played a major role ( this, already influenced by our central role - as observer - in collapsing
local probability waves into solid particles) but at each future corn stalk site on almost inevitably had to make a choice. Using sensory input and a holographic wave we call memory I had to decide which plant best suited my desires.
Yesterday, I did a first culling of a breeding population of male plants from a flowering herb. In that case very few of the important features sought from the plant are visible (flower form, color, aroma as well as production data) but space and sanity require minimizing the breeding male population.
In both these cases we were identifying smells, leaf forms, tissue coloration patterns, apparent vigor, and an unknowable degree of energetic waveforms to infer future performance results. We are engaged with an archetypal plant form, and perhaps a desired future form, on a level beyond intellectual cognition and we are active participants in the evolution of life and in the eternal conversation of an ecosystem.
I always feel that planting a seed is an act of faith (my inability to plant a reasonable amount of corn perhaps a tell to my lack of it) and these moments of garden work and culling are rites and prayers to the one true God, the creation. This immeasurable, ineffable, unmistakable, inescapable syntropic storm of being. Its overwhelmingly humbling to have the honor of participating