I tend to agree with the other replies, and just wanted to add that in general, plants do not want to take up chemical compounds that they don't use for their normal metabolism, so even if some undesirable compounds are present in the soil, that's where they will stay.
Sand filters are sold and used for swimming pools, plus a homemade filter could be made fairly easily. They will filter out particles, but any dissolved ions and/or organic compounds will pass right through.
I agree that your roof was mostly, if not entirely rinsed off a good while back, but where did that go? Was it washed into the soil where you will be planting? Or did it flow somewhere else? If you still have concerns, you can reduce the possibility of exposure by only harvesting the above ground parts, like leaves, berries, nuts, fruit, as opposed to the
underground parts like
roots and tubers.
In general, I think that if plants are grown organically and look healthy, they are healthy to eat.