posted 12 years ago
I know there so many aspects that make this simple video so great and a dvd I would of bought as is. He wasn't teaching in the data data data way of the normal videos, it was more like I'll go for a walk and just chat without thinking about it. You build up such an image in your mind of what it's supose to look like. but then you can get to see great things like, his pen is uglier than mine and it still works great I feel good now about my ragged pen. I know they have a million things on the go but other the sub tropics I could be laying out what I have in the tempurate equivalents and have the same situation with a different face. I found this giant linden tree on my a acre that's been stairing me in the face for 3 years as failure to food forest. Then I found out it was edible 2 weeks ago and now i eat salad everyday that's better than lettuce and grow tall with food and mulch where most leafy greens can't. I'm going to put cutting out this fall and grow them as poll greens without any branches so it get's thick. It goes on and on when we learn to listen to what's around us, I waited all winter for the spruce new growth with my mouth watering looking at a spruce. It's so high in vitamin C and it's potent like a lemon in the mouth why would I ever try to grow and orange when I have a evergreen citrus I can make so many things from that store all the year and is a harvest in the spring.