I’ve been building and using Rocket Mass Heaters since 2013. Finding products for any RMH build can be challenging. Finding parts for a batchbox RMH has been even harder as most require metal fabrication. At Dragon Tech we can supply you with the materials you need to build your own RMH, from batch box doors to Morgan Superwool Plus to secondary air flow channels and much more!
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at
dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
That first photo is Matt Walkers tiny cookstove in which he switched out his former cf board door for a much more robust Dragon Tech door.
I know on the last few Stove Chats, Matt has mentioned how great its working for him.
A door that will last a lifetime.
Great job Thomas!