I read about using a wild plum as a hedge to and have always thought it sounded great. So when I learned that pacific plum was
native to my region I was really excited. However when I looked I only found one nursery that had any, and to my suprise they even listed improved named cultivars. However they have been sold out for a while now and have not responded to my attempts to find out if or when they will have more.
So, does anyone have pacific plum that they feel is is above average for edibility? If you do could I buy/beg some scions or seeds from the improved tree?
Also if you know of any sources of improved/good pacific plums please let me know. It doesn’t have to have a name but the ones listed were
Siskiyou, Modock, Shasta, and Klamath.
Apparently they were came from Stringer Orchard if that helps