I had never heard of it, so I looked it up in my trusty
JL Hudson seed catalog.
Here is his (Copyleft) description:
TILIACEAE. Tropical herbs, sometimes shrubby, long grown for food and fiber. Needs warm moist soil;
treat like eggplant. Sow in spring for crop in 3 months.hey are major crops throughout the tropics.
Seed viable 5 to 10 years.
NEW—Corchorus olitorius. (b,h) CORCH-18. Packet: $2.50
'TOSSA JUTE', 'MELUKHIE'. Annual to 6 feet with large pointed 2 - 6" leaves and yellow 1/2" flowers.
India. Widely cultivated for fiber and food. The young shoots and leaves are an ancient vegetable,
eaten by the Egyptians, mentioned by Pliny, and are now widely eaten in the Middle East, India,
Africa, and the Americas. The leaves are an excellent potherb, can be eaten as a salad when young,
and can be dried for winter use in soups, etc.
The "(b, h)" in the description is code for b= 100-500 seeds, h= high germination.