I've received 3 varieties of oca in an effort to diversify my
staple crops. I go live at 3pm PST (5pm CST/6pm EST) to unbox the order and show off these longer daylength varieties bred by Bill Whitson of Cultivariable.com. I couldn't find anyone showing their
experience with Bill's varieties, or showing what people can expect to receive in their orders, so I wanted to document my experience for those who come after me. These were purchased at full price by a third party, so what I receive is what the average person could expect to receive.
Bill's website is a treasure trove of information on growing Andean crops like oca, mashua, and ulloco. In addition to showing what I actually received in the mail, I'll be going over the tasting notes and agronomic qualities for these three varieties and explaining why I chose these ones in particular. I'll also go over some of the vegetative propagation techniques that Bill suggests in his oca growing guide, which is how I plan to rapidly increase my stock of plants. I have no affiliation with Bill or Cultivarible, I'm simply excited for the work he's doing to preserve and expand the range of these wonderful crops. I'm happy that I get to grow them after years of researching and drooling over them.
Stay tuned after the unboxing for an introductory
class on using
The Annual Staple Crop Calculator. Though I've tried to make the documentation for The Calculator as clear as possible, I figured it might help people out to actually see it being used, while giving people the chance to ask questions while I'm live and can give examples.
Click here if the stream does not load below (or to participate in the live chat.)
The three varieties I'll be unboxing are:
You can view Bill's Oca Growing Guide
You can get The Annual Staple Crop Calculator