I've been working around the pasture and hayfield, getting to know my plant neighbors a bit better. I found and ID'ed horse
nettles... then pulled what I could find - it did not sound like they had any redeeming qualities to allow them to grow where I have livestock/livestock food.
I also found a bunch of plants that have fruit that look like my tomatillos, but the plants are fuzzy. They are growing alongside the turkey pen- big plants outside the pen, small plants trying to grow in the pen. I mowed most of the big plants as I am trying to beat back the brush to keep predators at bay. At the time, I did not know what they were. I went and tried to ID them... pretty sure that they are ground cherries... if so, I'd be glad to let them be if they are a neighbor I can eat.
So my question is, are there any "look alikes" to ground cherries that I have to watch out for? These have the paper husk covered fruits, yellow blossoms, and the leaves are sort of fuzzy. I probably ruined any crop for this year by mowing (they were not ripe), but I want to be more informed next year.
Any advice? Thanks all.