posted 3 years ago
Hello All,
As we all should be aware Water purity effects plants ability to take in water and process nutrients, less energy spent processing Garbage water.
I want to improve my landscape to have improved water cleaning methods,
I have 5-7% organic mater, clay soil. with a subsoil later of 1.5m then, more clay, then sandstone layer, then a conglomerate, then a small coal seam, then ignimbrite. layer, with a much bigger sandstone plate underneath that. Some minor layers skipped out in the list.
My thoughts are to think of every approach and aspect.
Such a first cover soil, reduce head change and slow down water.
wind breaks and structural wind slowing by design.
Looking into my households contribution to the system as well as neighbours and people traveling around and past.
Applying water filtration layers the top soil. Similar to scouts.
Also to increase turbulence in some areas of water collection such as gutters and grey water.
Also thinking of some hyperaccumulators to do some bio remediation.
Water movement in the soil strata's may be more difficult to work on,
also straight up I am not digging 3km down and building a trompe!
Also thinking about the electromagnetic interactions in regards to soil charges and air vapour, I mean, potentially if I could increase the electromagnetic fields, I could initiate a spread of charged components, spreading them apart to be easer to pick out good from bad for the plants, as well as helping with the chemical reactions,
But This could have a lot of potential effects to the microbe environment, Which give off mobile electrons.
But then Again I could add high powered magnets or reconfigure existing underground power cables.
However to much electric fields and magnetic fields and worms will be to distressed to happily exist.
Maybe inclusion of meal worms to get to materials other insects have been unable to break down.
Obviously going to have to improve my pyrolysis system and not just to harvest methanol in the process!
Any thoughts? suggestions Ideas! experiences?