I'm taking a trip to Brisbane next month to visit family then will be touring around on my bike until December. I'm looking for farms/homesteads in southern Queensland and New South Wales that could teach me something and put me to work for a few weeks. I prefer working in exchange for food and a place to camp but wouldn't be opposed to helping out with food costs if the opportunity is right.
I am a 25 year old male with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and have been doing work trade since I graduated. I have
experience with
cob, stick framing,
concrete mixing/pouring, form building, metal roof installation, hole digging,
wood chopping, weed pulling, potato digging, tent living,
compost shitting, weekly bathing, dumpster eating, and so on. I'm looking for experience designing and constructing
water harvesting
earthworks, establishing and maintaining food forests, and designing and constructing passively cooled/heated houses. I'm glad to do any kind of work as long as there is the chance to pick someone's brain about and see working examples of the aforementioned topics.
If anyone has recommendations of places to go, please pass them on. If anyone has property in the area and needs hands, I would be glad to start a dialog and see if we will be a good fit. Primitive living situations welcomed. Also, any advice on getting around Australia by bike would be great.