So I am having a rented excavator delivered to my property next week. All my swales, hugels, and dam locations are marked, now all they need is dirt. However, I only have the weekend and I am afraid I won't be able to get it to all. So, I ask you the good people of Permies what tasks
should I prioritize. I foresee four main courses of action.
1. Dig swales first... all 14 of them
2. Dig dams first across an erosion gulley. This would be about five dams spaced 15-20 feet apart with drains. I estimated the gulley's drainage area is two acres and comes from off my property so that drainage area is inaccessible to me. Important note: this erosion gulley is uphill of the
swale area and none of the swales would reduce the
water volume.
3. Hugelkultures first. I have three of them prepped with
wood and slash. However, the wood is juniper and pinyon and thus not optimal.
4. Dig main swales first (about four total), then dams, then hugels.
Some details about my
land (to limit "it depends" answers)
Soil: Silty clay.
Biome: Pinyon-juniper transitioning to prairie.
Annual precipitation: 18 inches
Most in a 24 hour period: 3 inches
Average slope of erosion gulley: 13%
Average slope of swale area: 5%
Goals: Reduce erosion, build soil, retain as much moisture in land as possible and provide suitable sites to plant siberian
pea shrubs, locusts, and berry bushes for my
chickens to forage.
Thanks for taking the time to read and please share your thoughts.