Hello, I am looking for advice on hatching eggs. I have 5 guinea hens - I found a nest real close to the road across the street in my neighbors
yard, they have 2 dogs. She was sitting on 21 eggs. I went on another site and people advised me to move them and Mama would not sit on them again. They all died during the night and I was devastated. I started reading up on hatching and I bought an incubator and egg turner. I ordered Bantam eggs
online. I put 8 eggs in on Aug 7th. I candled them Aug 13 and they all looked viable. I candled them again tonight and 4 of the 8 are clear, the other 4 are pretty "full". I'm thinking they
should hatch on or about the 28th. Should I discard the clear ones? Will they burst in the incubator? When should I take the 4 healthy eggs out of the turner and should I put a dish towel on the mesh? Should I put a wet sponge in the incubator? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.