My father and I are looking to create an off grid tiny house for his
retirement home. We've been looking all over NY and we both found a nice little area in Ostego county that was close
enough to some small towns that we wouldn't lose our minds from lack of sociality (2
city mice here), but nice and wooded enough to do projects.
We called up the zoning person (I believe) and everything was great until we got to the idea of doing a
compost toilet for the tiny house. That seemed to be this guy's specialty and he was not at all about that. He was talking about how we'd need to hire an engineer to approve things and how a septic tank is necessary to pass inspection. Thousands of unnecessary dollars spent on this
water situation.
So I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice regarding this? Can you get around it if your structure isn't technically large enough to be considered a home? Do RVs get around this somehow? Are there any loopholes anyone has found? I wouldn't even mind hiring an environmental scientist to make sure what we were doing was good for the
land but hiring an engineer to look at a few 10 foot holes in the ground where
poop and sawdust will go and eventually turn to soil doesn't make sense to me.
If I can't get around this I think we'll have to move our searches to Vermont, which isn't the worst thing in the world but I was really enjoying the close by tiny towns within an eBike distance, and buses in that town that can lead you to other larger cities.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.