Hello everyone!
I'm so excited to be on the adventure that I am on. I close on my 13+ acres in Warren County Missouri in 2 weeks! This life sure has been an adventure hasn't it? Last year I left my full time job of being a cog in the big machine. I was tired of powering a machine that I didn't want running in the first place. My goals as of lately are to contribute my time, money, and attention to the world I want to live in and create. My
land has it all (IMHO) which includes 4+ acres of sunny unfarmed pasture land with rich top soil free of rocks and clay, 650 feet of shallow flat rock bottom clear babbling brook/creek, approx 9 acres of woods, including a 1 acre cedar grove. Terrain is gradually sloped towards the creek that runs through the property about 2/3 of the way into the property from the road. I plan to build approx 90% of everything myself including the home. I am interested in
sustainability and providing for ourselves along with simplifying life and the need for others to provide. I believe we cannot truly provide for another if we cannot provide for ourselves. Our world is constantly limiting the great human potential, and those people turn to authoritarian figures to make every decision for them. I think it's time to take our power back and build the true life we wish to build, one that is not conditioned by the big machine of society and is instead built from our own unlimited dreams.
So a bit about me. I am unapologetically independent. This does not mean independent from a partner but independent as far as the creation of my own reality. I find that we really are unlimited beings, just living in a limited world of our choice. So where many have walls, I have none and willing to venture into the unknowns of life. I've always had inklings of the truth and have always been a truth seeker. I started to look behind the curtains of society about 10 years ago and approx 4 years ago had more of a spiritual awakening. I understand that society is conditioning us into a life we don't choose, a life we will never be happy in and a life where we will always seek cheap thrills and joys. I have grown exponentially throughout those years. I have healed from past traumas and relationships and have rooted courage and strength into myself for an amazing future. To save some lengthy wording I will list a few of my attributes. I am accepting, attentive, thoughtful, caring, kind, loving, compassionate, creative, intelligent, inventive, willful, hardworking, silly, sensitive, detail oriented, understanding, and a great listener. I am divorced and have a great relationship with my ex, who is a lesbian and engaged. We encourage each other in life and co parent a soon to be 9 year old son. I love being in loving relationships and have been single for 4 years now and would really value having a loving partner to join me in this adventure. I love a reciprocal relationship where we continually offer care and support to each other. Because after all, if a relationship does not build you up then you cannot grow together. I like to be in nature, mediate, do yoga and to feel the earth and to de-tune from the chaos of the world. I am not so extreme as to have no technology or media but I definitely think we really need to watch that diet as well as our food diet. I tend to remove all technologies in my life that no longer serve me. I still use the TV ,internet, and phone but I don't do media or social media of any kind. It is all theater at this point and I refuse to look in the rear-view and instead I focus on the world I wish to be a part of. If you are unaware of the true scheme at hand in the world right now we will likely not be a good fit. I am pescatarian but moving more towards
vegetarian. I do plan to have hens and a milking goat on my homestead but will not be eating meat. I am lean and do have digestive issues which makes it uncomfortable to eat much at times. If any of you have some great
energy or food medicine tips I'd love it! I try to take care of my body the best I know how.
After quitting my job I have tried to dabble in crypto but that hasn't been the best choice, haha. I have started practicing sound therapy and currently do sound baths and sonic massages but I am always looking for residual forms of income that align with my values. My long term goal is to be 90% self sufficient in 5 years, including all utilities and food. All debt will be gone within a year and I will be truly free. Who wants to join me?
I am looking for a partner to join me in this whole adventure of life and homesteading. I want someone who has some self confidence and control over their fears. I have always wanted someone who is the perfect mix of strong and centered but also kind and caring. I guess I feel that's what I offer and I want an equal in my relationship. Ideally this person would help me expand into new areas of my life just as I may do with them. I'd love someone who wants to be a caring steward of the earth and all those that inhabit it. I have a great love for the flora, fauna, and all of humanity, no matter how disheartening it may be at times. My requirements for a partner aren't so specific but more general. I like open minds, intelligence, thoughtfulness, healthy habits, kindness, compassion, and at least a little bit of courage to defy the odds, the status quo, and build something truly unique and valuable. I definitely don't want someone perfect, whatever that means, as I have my own flaws. We are always growing and expanding and bettering ourselves and that's all that matters. I'm willing to bet that while there may be no such thing as perfect, the perfect partner for me does exist and I can't wait to meet her!
Thanks for reading! I know it was long but I hope it resonates with the right person and I look forward to hearing from you.