I live on a 1.8 acre lot next to a guy(nice guy) who manicures his
lawn like a golf
course. Currently there is nothing separating our lawns aside from the slight distinction of his "perfect" grass budding up next to my weed friendly yard. I have some rough sketches that show what I am dealing with. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, his lawn is on the south side of my property of which I was going to design a slight food forest that was going to favor the sun direction. I want to create a hedge of some sort that will block me from him mostly to keep his fertilized-pesticide practices away from my food but at the same time trying not to cause a problem and he call "the man" on me. Are there any recommendations on how I might deal with both the sun direction, certain hedges that I can manage pretty well that will benefit us both, maybe even inspire him to reconsider his golf course fixation ( he doesn't golf, hahaha) I trying to think of ways to keep leaves and others things from maybe blowing in on his property, though secretly I wish the weeds over there to heal his