ok ... i love huckleberry pie. some how i don't think i will get one for this tho...
i love the info i get from your site and the interviews and the videos etc.
This newest composting toilet design is awe inspiring! the one with the slopped triple chamber in the tree trunk. Can i get the specs on it? I am so over packing buckets of shit around and finding buckets to fit old seats that were made for
bucket sizes that cant be found anymore.
i'm looking for helpers willing to help me build a small community of earth bag domes in hawaii. yep hawaii.
i have 1 acre of
land. and i want to do the works and fit it all on that one little acre. swimming
pond, gray
water, water harvesting,
bees, tilapia,
chickens, composting toilets,
solar, gardens, yadda yadda yadda... i like the cave / hobbit feel of the earth domes.
i live in a cabin near my i acre land, off the grid with modest
solar electric & composting toilet, in a two story luxury camp like life style. we build little 8x12 bedrooms off in the woods in a few days when people come to stay sometimes.
you can come for a visit.
and bring a pie.
Mike and i can pick you up at the airport, you can stay with us and we'll show you around the island. One island
sustainable living center is on this island and they are doing some great things here.
Ya! check out One Island Sustainable on line -
and maybe you can make it for one of the events.
see ya soon.