Since raising your own meat birds is a primary goal, your numbers are way off.
One rooster and 2 hens would be a disaster. You will end up with one rooster, and 2 dead/useless hens. If they don't run in fear every time they see him, he will screw 'em to death.
One rooster can easily service a dozen hens. If he has less than that, he will abuse them to the point that they could become useless for anything. I would say that 6-8 hens
should be a minimum for a macho rooster. Ten to twelve would be better, particularly for raising chicks.
RIR roosters are generally NOT docile birds. That's one of the reasons that there are so many of them.
RIR hens are not usually known as being broody, but if you can get farm raised birds (vs. hatchery raised), they should be better @ brooding.
Good luck finding your birds. Check your
local Craig's List. This time of year, many are trying to get rid of excess