I have been using heirloom varieties for the last couple of years, and although my
gardening efforts have been less than successful, I am seeing
volunteer plants pop up in locations different than where I had seeded them. Usually they are showing up 10 feet or more from the original planting site. I know that the tomatoes are from rotten ones that I have tossed aside. I suspect some of the others are from squirrels or other small mammals running off with something and nibbling a small part of it. I have an ocra plant that came up from I don't know where. I have corn plants that have come up after I did some tilling for a fall cover crop. They will not amount to anything, but it is still odd to see corn come up in Sept/Oct. It has not died back yet, but it will soon.
Anyone else seeing this happen?
I wonder if this is not how
native americans experienced
gardening? After many years of planting heirloom varieties, I can imagine that you might find them growing almost anywhere conditions permit. I wonder if I'm not building up a seed bank in the soil of vegetable plants?