We need some help with our quail. We have 2 groups, a 1 male to 4 female, and a 1 male to 2 female. One group is wild type, the other is pharoah. We got both groups as 3 week olds. Hens lay almost everyday, and we do observe breeding behavior. A few weeks ago we got an incubator and for the first time we tried hatching eggs. We incubated 27 eggs from both groups. Day 15 came, nothing happened. We waited an extra 5 days just to be sure, and nothing happened. Finally, we cracked them open to see what was going on. Some were rancid, and the rest, normal, but showed absolutely no signs of fertility. Are the males infertile? Or is it possible something was wrong with the incubator? We went by the 100 degree 40% humidity for 15 days, then 98 degree 80% humidity. The humidity jumped a lot because it was not automatic - could that have prevented growth?
feed laying pellet, calcium supplement, and additional insects/greens.
We know they say not to get your hopes too high the first few times, but it was rather disappointing.
Oh, and the incubator was a small Citaitai.