My name is Phillip Moore I'm a first-generation family farmer practicing regenerative, no-till methods. We are Certified Naturally Grown and are passionate about using our expertise in many different ways. This journey started four years ago after reading Curtis Stones' book, Urban Farming on Borrowed or Leased
Land. Before reading that book I never grew a vegetable but always wanted to get away from the 9-5 grind. Internally something had sparked, so much that I told my spouse I was ready to quit my job here and start this endeavor. We started originally by growing microgreens in the kitchen of our small duplex.
The following year we carved out four different farms on borrowed land throughout Spokane, WA. During the first year, we learned this was the lifestyle we wanted to live forever and encourage others to do the same. The next year we bought a converted coach bus and were asked to travel and help others start their farms by families who followed us on media outlets.
In 2020 we were ready to take off in our bus when we were cautioned by other bus families to stay put because of the uproar public parks and national forests were having. That had put our travel plans on the back burner, so we leased some land in late March and started 120 50' beds and a CSA home delivery service which has been a success. We were able to service many homes on a very small piece of land. Recently, we have found out that the owner is selling and we are going to have to move our farm this coming October.
We are unable to obtain financing conventionally due to how young our business is and the eb and flow of farm income, even though it is a substantial amount. These so called, "setbacks" are what have continued to shape our business and ideas. We have adapted well to think outside of the box, which is what has kept our farm alive this long. We are looking for someone with land willing to work out an owner financing deal or even work in trade for land. You can see what we do by looking us up on Instagram @couragetogrowfarms or at our website @
Courage to Grow Farms