After a night with a low of 23 my litchi tomato and gotu kola passed with flying colors. My passaflora edulis looks a little damaged, but is still alive. I thought I would share this info, in case anyone in similar zones is planning on growing these.
Steve Flanagan
Posts: 324
Location: North Fork, CA. USDA Zone 9a, Heat Zone 8, 37 degrees North, Sunset 7/9, elevation 2600 feet
I took another look outside just now. My Passion Fruit is looking worst. I really hope it comes back from the roots. The Litchi Tomato looks to have new growth on it, very odd.
So I was about to write you a post saying that if my maypop passionfruit can survive in boston,ma zone 6/7 then your will, lol.
But now I realize that I have incarnata and you have edulis
Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
My 2nd Location:Florida HardinessZone:10 AHS:10 GDD:8500 Rainfall:2in/mth winter, 8in/mth summer, Soil:Sand pH8 Flat
Steve Flanagan
Posts: 324
Location: North Fork, CA. USDA Zone 9a, Heat Zone 8, 37 degrees North, Sunset 7/9, elevation 2600 feet
I actually did plant maypop as well. It looks unharmed by the low 20's. I planted three. One was in full sun and it did poorly in our dry heat. The one in part shade did very well. I wonder if they can cross pollinate each other?