Two questions for y'all --- What neat pictures do you have of your self-designed greenhouses/
raised garden beds or any other such structures? I've been trying to design some different things lately, in prep for the upcoming season, and I would love to see what people have done to maybe instill a new level of creativity in myself and my buddy! (note--- this year I'll only be doing a few smaller things, but the plan is to continue on this path and perhaps someday market myself as a permaculturalist
land scaper... the holy grail, to me, is in time designing a
chicken greenhouse)
Question two --- as I'm looking through teh possible seed sources in prep for the season, I thought to ask, what are some of the best non-tree taproot species? When I asked myself that, I could only think of comfrey and
dandelions, but I'm sure the collective knowledge of permies has much more to
answer than that .... (i'm slightly new to
permaculture ... less than a year old, intellectually *blush )