I am living in an area with no clay available.
As I am not willing yet to pay for it, I would like to find a way arround it, or to substrackt clay from the sand (which was suggested in an article somewhere).
In the
PDC DVD, the use of eggshells is mentioned to creat quicklime, with which you can make cement.
Has anyone any
experience starting from skratch (or less) to build something?
I live in a pure sand soil area with some small creeks (the most likely place to get something). The problem with them is that it is all private
land and I don't expect the owners to be open for this 'radical' and 'green' thinking and experimenting.
If I can wash clay/loam from sand, I think I can try the make our ground
water pump run on
solar power and put the water back into the groundwater (if there is no pollution which I am not willing to accept in exchange for clay) fairly easy (we have close to zero runoff, even without swales.
If I can produce my own cement, does anyone knows if it is possible to make fire resistant cement yourself?
I have eggshells (for lime?) and white sands at hand aswell as some other stuff that might be usefull, but I don't know what I'll need.