Just to start a little conversation: I
compost indoors with a flow through worm bin, the "Worm- Inn", and I'm recycling potting soil in a 100 gallon stock tank in our living room. This is my first year for both, but they seem to be working quite well. House plant trimmings and aquarium plant trimmings, bird cage bedding and old bird seed, food scraps, shredded leaves,
cardboard and peatmoss are added to both bins. The output from the flow-through is layered into the stock tank bin periodically. The stock tank sits next to large west facing windows and sprouts the seeds from the old bird food and some times tomatoes. The soil seems very fertile. Our Gouldian Finches forage on the sprouts. I put perches above the stock tank so the birds can make direct deposits. The stock tank was seeded with 5 lbs. of composting worms. The plan is to harvest the worms from the stock tank,
reuse the potting soil in the window boxes, etc., and put he worms into the outdoor compost for the summer. With some luck I
should be able to harvest the worms again in the fall from the outdoor compost and reuse them in the indoor compost next winter. Steve Gibson