posted 2 years ago
OK. That info helps. Here is what I did to get a quick idea. I recommend you do the same to get a feel for what your options are. I started at the nursery I really like them, but they are certainly not your only source for trees. However, the site is good for doing some quick filtering to see what your options are. You select a category and enter your zip code and they show you what options they have. From that setup, I came up with the following quick options. You can click through individual plants to see which ones require pollinators, mature size, how long they need before they produce and other info.
Fruit Trees:
Apples (most require a pollinator, but some are self-pollinating)PeachPear (mixed pollination requirements- some self, some semi-self, some require a partner)NectarinePlumApricot (require pollinators)PersimmonFigs (generally prefer warmer, but some can deal with this zone)
Nut Trees:
There are other, more unusual trees that might work, but I wouldn't recommend them as a starting point: Jujube, Pawpaw, Quince, Olive, Pomegranate,