I am seeking research articles or studies on the topic of drinking wild
water, long term. My focus is especially on the biological dangers (bacteria, viruses, and parasites), although pollutant dangers are interesting too. Comprehensive strategies used by
land based people for their water consumption. Especially interested in community or cultural practices.
Some questions:
A study that looks at long term health of people who drink wild water?
Do people just accept the existence of parasites, and incorporate parasite cleanses in their health care routines?
How do land based cultural groups in different bio regions interact with water and water derived health issues?
How is this different in different parts of the world (eg, overpopulated régions or areas with poor human hygiene, sovereign indigenous lands, industrial countries)
I've heard some pretty crazy anecdotal stories about human tolerance for drinking at times quite gross water. Stories like herders who regularly drink from the same watering hole as cows). Are there any studies or research based data that might compliment the anecdotes?
I understand this is a vast and probably understudied subject, and i look forward to learning more.