Just wanted to share the latest
video documenting the Goat Rock Forest Garden, a 7 year old edible landscape
project on a 200 acre educational campus in the Adirondack Mountains, New York (zone 4a).
The idea is to simply capture the scenes and sounds as best I can to document the changes over time, and to share that with others for educational purposes. I also just want to make relaxing enjoyable videos that are easy to zone out to, without unnecessary commentary. So far I have documented a full year at this site, although the earliest videos aren’t as good (my equipment and video skills are improving).
I’ve always taken tons of photos of these projects because it’s fun to look back and see the progress. You can learn a lot by looking at photos, so I figured 4K video @ 60fps is even better for capturing the vibe and documenting this highly complex dynamic system we call the Goat Rock Forest Garden.
Hope you enjoy!