I am very familiar with opuntia, as I am in zone 11 with less water than her: 400-500mm and nothing from may to october.
They should be greater for biogas than biochar, as they contain a lot of water.
Only old pads will dry providing some dry stuff. It will form some sort of dry grey grid.
It is beautiful and can be used for craft!
It can also be used to start a fire.
BUT the most useful parts, when something dries, goes into the air instead of going into the soil, doesn't it?
Here are some suggestions:
- Cut at the beginning of rain season if you want to make them rot for compost.
- Bury for providing water, eg at the end of the rainy season.
IMO the best use of opuntia.
They will provide water and nutrients for the plants.
- Do not uproot unless you need to clean an area.
They do not grow so fast as big plants, and they will be helpful by providing you with more carbon.
- Let them grow at the boundaries, as a living
- They protect from fires only when they are green. When they get dry and skinny at the end of summer, they can also burn.
About eating and pealing:
You need the technique! Some people collect them with sticks and then cut the 2 ends, and especially the end with the depression full of spines!
Then cut the skin between the 2 ends, pull apart and take out the juicy stuff for eating directly.
You loose the good part close to the skin, the part with no seeds...
But then you can quench you thirst when needed.
When you have time: collect, and gather in a
bucket after brushing individually, so that the spines do not pick each other so much. Then at home I put then in a bucket of water. I brush in the water, then quit the 2 ends, split the skin vertically as before.
But I take care to remove only the skin. Watch out for removing well the spots with the spines, as they stick more to the flesh.
Then I mix them all, and pass through a mosquito net to remove the seeds. Very easy and quick to pass it all with the hand. Much faster than the potato masher. And the taste is really better than eating the whole fruit, there is a real difference. It also enhance the slimy part, I guess because it brakes the pectin... Remember that this is
medicinal for stomach and guts. I can drink a pint, which I cannot do with any fruit! It never gave me any stomach ache and never found it laxative though I am a sensitive person.
It is one of the best plant to work with in dry areas, do not uproot too much!
I also suggest to chose some cultivars for fruit quality, and also with moderate spines. the young pads can be used in cooking too.