I was listening to NPR radio this morning and struck with the deforestation in Afghanistan with only 2%
land left in forest AND the population's use of
wood stoves thru the winter.
Does anyone know of the feasibility for the use of dung? Specifically carnivore dung and perhaps omnivore. The herbivore dung is best returned to soil and composting.
3 points I am curious about:
rocket mass heaters burn very hot and once started and could burn almost anything...would they fussy about the
carbon source if dried?
b. since the air flow is toward the flame...wouldn't that also take the odor with it?
c. what is the best delivery and shape of the item?...compressed '
poop' logs/sticks, loose or pelleted?
In an era of potable
water scarcity and gigantic human waste disposal systems....hmmm...I have thoughts of generators/heat fueled with sewage vs landfill coming to mind as I figure a way to dispose of my dog's and cat's waste.
or has this topic been on other forums that I haven't found yet?