Hi Alexander,
I must say I am having a little trouble following you. Your subject is building free tiny houses for everyone, but then your post itself doesn't really mentioned houses?
Maybe you could flesh out your idea a little more?
You mentioned wanting to remove plastics, but everyone has a bike and phones which use plastic?
You mention bikes for transportation, but how does all the food get delivered to people? How does fuel get delivered? How does someone get from northern texas to southern texas to visit family?
You mention gardens to poop in, but you don't talk about how much room is needed to do this safely?
No farming is completely automated, and that type of food production would be very difficult without plastic. Who is running the production for this unlimited food? Who is filling tractors with fuel? Who is creating the fuel?
You mention
underground temps... are these underground tiny homes? I'm assuming you want to put them in texas, as you mention fitting everyone there... but not needing heating or cooling means only if they stay in their house all the time and never go outside... which makes those automated gardens difficult. If you want to go outside in texas in the summer, you may want cooling later.
I understand the frustration of pollution, but sticking everyone in one place does not seem like a solution that would work well. Farms are doing it now with cows... put them all in a barn and bring all the food in and take the manure out. I don't think that is a good solution. I think spreading the cows out, and moving them around is better. I think the same with people. God commanded people to "fill the earth" and "subdue it". Which is hard to do if we are all in one place.