I acquired 3 large clay tiles my farmer, father in law had not used. They are approximately 30 long and 13" in diameter. It is over 1" thick and probably weighs 50 pounds +/-.
This is the photo link.
My question is what type of door can I create to allow input of
firewood? Ideally, it would modulate the air intake as well.
The overall site includes these elements:
1. It will be located in a 12 x 20' kitchen in a 100 year old farmhouse.
2. In the past we've used a standard cast iron
wood stove
3. The venting has two parts a 5" clay tile cut at an angle at the lower end of the burn box. which will
feed into a 6" metal standard black flu pipe.
The opening into the chimney is 8" but I'm only using a 6" vent pipe inserted 12"+ into the chimney. (I'm open for suggestions here)
4. The specific location is approximately 5' wide and up to 4' deep. The rear and sides have ceramic tile over masonry backer board.
5. The whole assembly rests on wooden framing also covered with ceramic tile.
AS the fire box is set at an angle to facilitate gravity feed of
wood, I'm wondering what type of door can I fabricate at the upper end?