I tried a white sapote fruit for the first time today and it tasted good. I had previously tried cherimoya fruit and thought that it was okay but not great, and definitely not worth the hassle of hand pollinating since I'm outside of the region where the natural pollinators live. It seems like white sapote is a better tasting (I realize this is subjective), more productive, simpler fruit to grow. I'm in zone 10/Coastal Southern California.
The downside seems to be that it is a large tree with aggressive
roots and a tendency to dump a bunch of very soft fruit all at once. The California Rare Fruit Growers page basically said that it is a classic California tree that will grow wherever citrus grows, but also seems to include a bunch of warnings, which seems significant considering they are usually a pretty pro-tree planting website. For example:
"Before planting, consider the mess made by unpicked fruit. Planting over a patio can be a big mistake. The ultimate size of the the tree
should also be kept in mind. "
"Shallow watering can encourage surface roots that will break pavement or ruin lawns."
"Seedlings generally produce inferior fruit..."
I'm hoping for some advice from anyone who has grown this tree, especially if you have grown it in Southern California. Has it ruined your life (along with your house foundation,
lawn, and previously rodent-free environment)? Or is it a pretty average fruit tree in the sense that you can maintain it at a harvest-able 6' or so with twice yearly pruning? The CRFG website stated that "White sapotes are also tolerant of cold wet roots and north sides of buildings." I have a spot that fits that description, it's just not that big of a spot. Also I'm curious if it is worth growing from seed, or if tracking down a grafted plant is necessary. It doesn't seem like a common tree for nurseries to carry, which also has me questioning if it is a wise choice. Or maybe a cutting would grow into a smaller tree?
Any info is helpful. Thanks!