We have poor, stony, compacted soil. I just managed to get about 8 tons of cow muck delivered, some of it is a few months old and some is fresh, all mixed together. Shame I couldnt have gotten it a few months ago, but that's what I have. I've planted about 1/3 of the garden and working to prepare the rest now for planting over the next few weeks-month. The things that I am planning to plant are runner beans, cabbage, cauliflower, sunflowers, strawberries, parsnips, and other stuff as I can fit it in.
My question is can I use the muck now in any way?
Should I dig it in and let it rest a few weeks? Just put it on the beds and leave it alone? Top-dress the beds once they are planted? Or leave it to
compost until the end of the season and then dig it in then for the future?