If it was built on a slab than there
should be no dirt or mulch above the top of the slab on the out side and better if it was a few inches below the top of the slab. The grade from the slab going out to the yard needs to slop down hill and away from the house. If the building is brick some times there will be drain holes on the bottom row of brick these can also let water to drain inside and not out side.
I don't think your HOA would have an issue with french drains as they would be under ground and you could replace the grass and planters.
French drains can help to drain spongy yards helping to drain the water build up in the soil. With french drains look into piping the down spouts away from the structure and should not use the same lines as the french drains.
Without being able to see the elevations it is hard to say what will help.