ive googled that a little bit, havent seen anything there or on youtube.
i was watching this
video here (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srOQuHxj_dU )
it seems to me like he collected about 1/2 a cup in six hours from a regular sized plastic bag.
so, i got to thinking, if a plastic bag is 3x2 all splayed out, i could make a cube out of that whose sides are all one foot, thus, 1x1x1=1ft cubed volume = 1/2 a cup of
then i thought, what if i had a 10x10 vinyl tarp (100 bucks on google, 20 mm thick), i could make a cube out of that whose volume ends up being 55 ft cubed. now, im not very good at math, so i just kinda geustamated. assuming that the WxLxH of this cube is 3.3x5x3.3=55. it isnt, but its close.
then i figured if 1 ft cubed = 1/2 a cup of water, then 55 ft cubed = 27 1/2 cups of water. (based off the video in which he gets roughly 1/2 a cup of water in 6 hours from a normal sized plastic bag.)
13.5 cups of water (27 1/2 cups) is 0.84 gallons of water per six hours.
to make my math more accurate what i usually do is slash my end result in half to compensate for any variables i might be missing like heat variation, amount of leaves in the still, hours of sunlight, etc.
so, thats 0.42 gallons in six hours. now, thats no 4 gallons a day per person in a desert or anything,
but i figure you could rig up a tarp that size around a large branch, use hose clamps to make it air tight, and rig up some kind of hose/spout at the bottom, all for under 150 dollars per rig. so, if you want a gallon of water a day in the desert itll take 300 dollars and a tree.
anyway, just looking for feedback of if this sounds viable or not. better yet, if you know anyone who has tried to make large scale transpiration stills.
and hopefully someone might just make this before me and prove it a good or a bad idea.
one of my main concerns is the health of the tree though, how do you think a tree would be affected by such an attachment. i figure it might actually be good for it since itll be in almost a
greenhouse. but it wont have any oxygen to the leaves, or circulated air, itll be pretty stagnant...but it wont be the whole tree either, just a large branch.
anyway, just thinking out loud.